- A digital record of the students expedition to share with other young people aspiring to learn to kayak.
- A digital report and presentation to all stakeholders on the seabird and wildfoul monitoring snapshot that this project will provide.
- An article available to all sponsors for their own PR options.
- An article available to all sponsors for their own PR options.
- An article on the Arran Duke of Edinburgh website with images.
- Coverage by the banner newspaper (subject to confirmation).
By working closely with a seabird conservationist the group aim to produce a snapshot report of the seabird species diversity on the island during breeding seasons. They will also include any behavioural and habitat notes on the occasion that they are near enough to shore to see. Ongoing monotoring of seabird populations on the island is an important conservation issue as seabirds and people must be able to live side by side. Some of the information might be sensitive eg. precise locations of specific breeding colonies but that will be shared with responsible partners such as Arran Bird Group and charities such as COAST, RSPB and the Scottish Wildlife Trust. This survey work responds to the biodiversity needs of seabird research on the island.