Arran bird Atlas

Arran bird Atlas


Arran Natural History Society approached the Arran Trust for financial support for the publication of an Arran Bird Atlas.  This book will describe the mapping of the birds of Arran for the first time. 

Over 36,000 records on 177 species were collected over five breeding seasons and five winters, and almost 700 people contributed - all volunteers.  The maps generated give an insight into the distribution of Arran’s birds and provide a source of information for future land management. 

This book will contain more than 400 maps and more than 200 photographs on these one hundred and seventy seven species.


A pulished book - Arran Bird Atlas.  Available to all locals and visitors and seen by the Arran Trust as a great asset to the bird-watching community.  The image above shows some of the Arran Natural History Society on one of their bird watching/data collating excercises.  The Arran Bird Atlas is now availobale from all local bookshops, or by contacting the Arran Trust office.  Costs just £8!

STOP PRESS: Dr Jim Cassels of the Arran Natural History Society collected the Marsh Local Ornithology Award for the work undertaken to record all the sightings for the Bird Atlas.  What an accolade for the ANHS!  Well done Jim!

The Arran Trust
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KA27 8AU
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